We wanted to make sure that our wedding is as action packed as humanly possible for all our guests. To ensure that your time is well spent, Tony and I (with the help of our wedding party...actually, this is mostly their doing...) are planning food, outings, alcohol, more food, and more outings to keep everyone entertained. Here's what the calendar is tentatively looking like right now...
*Wednesday, May 30th--White Trash BBQ at the Jaeggi Manor
Think beaters and Keystone Light, corndogs and jello salad. We will be having a potluck sort of deal at Debbie and Tony Sr.'s house in Carlsbad, for anyone who is the area. Potluck details will follow shortly, so stay tuned! In addition to the bbq, Tony and I are asking that everyone bring two things: 1) a picture of you and (one of) us as you best remember us. Dig through all your old photos to find the gems from high school! 2) a piece of marriage advice. We will provide index cards to write down this advice, and we will compile it together into a book for us to keep!
*Thursday, May 31st--Bachelor/ette Parties
From Anaheim to Fallbrook, Tony and I are taking over. The boys and girls will be assigned to their respective locations for one final hurrah to celebrate the happy couple. Regardless if you are blue or pink, there will nothing but blue skies, tasty grub, and great friends as far as the eye can see!
*Friday, June 1st--Descending on Orange County
-Late Morning/Early Afternoon--possible brunch happening for the wedding party and bachelor/ette guests who are still
around. This is still to be determined, so stay tuned.
-Rehearsal, 3 pm--Wedding party and family will be finalizing the big day at The Hacienda from 3-3:30.
-Rehearsal Dinner, 5 pm--Dinner celebration for the rehearsal attendants at ??
-Lucky Strike Bowling, 9 pm--For any and all who are interested, we are making a trip to the Lucky Strike Bowling alley at
The Block at Orange. Be there or be L7!
*Saturday, June 2nd--The Big Day
Its the wedding day, duh! The girls will be indisposed bright and early, and there's talk of a boyz only breakfast for those who would be interested. Details are to be determined, so stay tuned.
*Sunday, June 3rd--The Wrap Up
-Final brunch--Anyone who is still around the hotel might be interested in getting together for brunch with Tony and I to
see us off. There is a restaraunt attached to The Ayres, so we'll see you in the lobby!
-Disneyland!--Who wouldn't want to celebrate the newlyweds BUT at the happiest place on earth? We're planning a final
hoorah after brunch and going until whenever. Join us!
Whew! If this doesn't keep everyone busy, I don't know what will. Keep you eyes peeled for updates and whatnot for the logisitics, but I hope that all of you can join us for (all) the festvities!